Our Services


Read our information below to learn more about what a frenectomy is and what happens during this procedure. 

What is a frenectomy?

A frenectomy is a minor surgical procedure that involves the removal or modification of a frenulum, a small band of tissue that connects two structures in the body. In the context of oral health, frenectomy is often performed on the lingual frenulum (under the tongue) or the labial frenulum (connecting the lips to the gums).

image of a child who is having a frenectomy

Types of frenectomy


To address issues with tongue mobility, also known as ankyloglossia or tongue tie. 

Dr James removes or modifies the lingual frenulum to improve the range of motion of the tongue. 


To treat conditions where the labial frenulum restricts movement of the lips.

Dr James addresses the labial frenulum to alleviate tension and improve mobility.

picture of a person showing the frenulum between their gums and their upper lips before oral surgery

Indications for frenectomy



Speech and articulation problems

A restrictive frenulum can impact speech development and articulation in both children and adults.

Breastfeeding Challenges

Infants with tongue tie may experience difficulty latching onto the breast, leading to breastfeeding issues for both the baby and mother.

Orthodontic Concerns

Frenectomy may be recommended as part of orthodontic treatment plans to address issues such as diastemas (gaps between teeth) caused by tight labial frenulums.


A tight labial frenulum can contribute to gum recession, leading to periodontal issues.

What is the procedure?

1. Preparation

Local anesthesia may be administered to minimize discomfort.

2. Surgical Technique

Frenectomies can be performed using various techniques, including conventional scalpel surgery, laser surgery, or electrocautery.

3. Post-Operative Care

Recovery is generally quick, with minimal discomfort. Patients may be advised to follow post-operative care instructions.

Benefits of frenectomy

Lingual frenectomy can enhance the range of motion of the tongue, facilitating improved speech and oral function.

Infants who undergo frenectomy may experience improved latch and increased breastfeeding success.

Frenectomy can contribute to better orthodontic outcomes by addressing issues such as diastemas.

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Dr James is taking dental referrals for specialist services including dental implants, IV sedation and advanced oral surgery. Click below to access our secure referral portal! 

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Dr James is taking appointments for dental implant services at The Harley Street Implant Centre. Send us a message now and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Our location

46 Harley Street, London W1G 9PT, UK

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm
Sat: 10am-6pm


Phone: 02045 535441
Email: [email protected]