Our Services
Sedation Dentistry
Dr James is a qualified sedation dentist who is accredited to teach and train other clinicians in sedation dentistry.
IV sedation dentistry
Sedation into your bloodstream
IV sedation involves putting medication through a drip into your blood stream. It is the deepest form of conscious sedation that is used in our clinic. Most people will enter a conscious state of sleep throughout this process and will not remember the procedure.
Throughout the sedation process, your vital signs including your heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure will be monitored.
Who is suitable For iV sedation?
IV sedation techniques are used for those people with severe anxiety or dental phobia. Sedation dentistry is a method used to ensure patients remain comfortable throughout the implant process.
What is conscious sedation?
Conscious sedation is what we use at The Harley Street Implant Centre. It is a moderate level of sedation, where you experience enough drowsiness to inhibit your pain receptors, but you remain conscious throughout the process. This technique is used to relax you for your dental treatment whereby a sedative is administered via line/cannula placed into your arm. You may fall asleep, however, this is not the aim.

Few Dentists are qualified in sedation dentistry... even fewer in polypharmacy sedation
Dr James is a highly qualified sedation dentist. Although, his skills go beyond your standard sedation dentistry. His postgraduate diploma in sedation dentistry means he is qualified in polypharmacy sedation dentistry. This means he can deliver several different IV medications safely. Dr James’ expertise in the area has resulted in his accreditation by RCS England to teach and train others in sedation services.
Other forms of sedation dentistry
Inhalation sedation
This typically involve the administration of nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Whilst this can be effective for short term pain relief, it is less effective during longer procedures, such as dental implantation, where the surgery may take several hours depending on patient needs. At Harley Street Implant Centre, we are qualified to deliver stronger, more effective pain relief, such as IV sedation.
Oral sedation
Oral sedation involves the administration of medications through the mouth, usually about 1 hour before the procedure. These medications are useful at tackling anxiety, however will not lead to the depth of conscious sedation or the pain relief that IV sedation will.
In the initial consultation, Dr James will go through your medication and dental history to ensure you are suitable for our IV sedation services. In preparation for IV dental sedation, we will usually ask you to not eat anything from 6 hours before the procedure. You can take small sips of water up to 2 hours before.
Before your dental operation, a line will be inserted into a vein in your arm. Through this we will inject some medication that will cause you to become drowsy and inhibit your pain receptors. This medication will likely cause you to fall asleep throughout the procedure and you will experience amnesia (memory loss) throughout it. IV sedation is combined with local pain relief in the mouth.
After receiving IV sedation, you will feel drowsy and groggy and should therefore wait a full 24 hours before driving. You can eat and drink as soon as you like, but it is sensible to wait until the local anaesthesia from your mouth wears off. You will likely forget much of the procedure.
Our IV sedation services cost £500 per hour. Please see our pricing list for more information.
Do you have dental phobia?
Book in now to see our dental sedation specialist who will help tackle your fears and reduce your anxiety. While the Harley Street practice is not open, you can still book in to see Dr James at another London dental clinic using the following link.
Dr James is taking bookings for quality dental sedation procedures.
Do you want to book into see Dr James? Contact us through our contact form. We will aim to get back to you within 48 hours.
Our location
46 Harley Street, London W1G 9PT, UK
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm
Sat: 10am-6pm
Phone: 02045 535441
Email: [email protected]